4 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 10:10 – The Meaning of 1010


Top Reasons Why You Keep Seeing 10:10 - Meaning of 1010

If you find yourself frequently seeing 10:10 when you check the time and wonder if there is a hidden message behind it, your intuition is correct.  Trust that you were guided here to find out about the 1010 meaning as you walk on your path at this moment in time.

You start to realize that seeing number 1010 repeatedly is not just a coincidence because you have a deep knowing that 1010 is a divine message for you. The Universe and your celestial team of angels and spirit guides want you to be aware that 1010 is a sign of action and forward movement.  As an angel number, the general meaning of 1010 is about moving toward your higher purpose in life. Trust the Universe and what it has in store for you. Things happen for a reason, and in the big picture, your higher self knows the best path to get you to where you need to be.  Have faith that everything is happening for your benefit. And most of all, remember that everything will work out for you the end.

Bear in mind that when you see number pattern 1010 repetitively, there are various meanings, and it is important to trust your intuitiveness and discern what 1010 symbolically means to you. Once you decode this message, you will realize the reason why you are seeing 10:10, and you will use this knowledge to guide you on your path forward. To help you on your way, here is WILLOW SOUL's list of the spiritual meanings of 1010 and the reasons why you keep seeing number 1010 everywhere.

1st Meaning of 1010: Everything Is Working Out For Your Highest Good

The first two numbers 1 and 0 have great significance in the Angel Number 1010.  Number 1 means moving into a new beginning, starting fresh or opening toward a new path in life. On the other hand, 0 signifies moving into the great void, where everything comes from the Creator and all will return to the Creator. Together, the numbers indicate that you are moving into a much higher resonance, toward an uplifting frequency that is closer to God -- the Divine Consciousness.

According to Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers 101, when both numbers are combined to form 10, the overall message for you is to keep your thoughts positive and be patient as everything is working out for your highest good.  When you see the number 10 repeated twice, this just means that the message of "10" is stronger.

So, when you often see 10:10, the message is to trust that the Universe is working behind the scenes to help you, and be open to receive anything you need for your soul growth.

2nd Meaning of 1010: You Are Awakening to Your Spiritual Self

As you spiritually grow on your journey, you are in the process of awakening to your true self, and you remember the Divine Creator is in you and all around you. The 1010 spiritual meaning, in this case, is that you are ready to walk a new footpath that will lead you to achieve higher states of consciousness as you begin to explore your special role in this universe.

And when you find your courage to discover who you truly are, you will be able to lift the veil of illusions and see the world through the eyes of your soul or higher self.  You will become more aware of what you think, what you say, and what you do as the Creator's fire burns away the "old" you. And it is in this moment that you begin to feel and see your soul with absolute clarity.

3rd Meaning of 1010: You Are Ready To Take Action

When you keep seeing the time 10:10 or 1010, the meaning of 1010 is to align yourself with the Divine energy of the Creator, so you can receive inspiration as the seed of your creation. When you are open to receiving Divine energy, the seeds of good ideas will keep coming.

So, the significance of 1010 is to stay focused on the things that your soul desires to experience in this lifetime. Whatever you decide to do, persevere and strive for excellence. Make sure you have a commitment to do it well.  Be a hill if you cannot be a mountain.  If you cannot be an ocean, be a lake. Nevertheless, be your very best because size does not determine your success.

Remember, you are the creator of your own reality.  Your thoughts become words, and your words become actions. And when you see 10:10 repeating, you are being reminded to create what your soul desires. With this understanding, you realize the importance of aiming your attention solely on the things that spark deep joy from within.  And when you follow your passion with a determined plan of action, your desired goals will be the point of attraction.

4th Meaning of 1010: You Are Fully Supported

As you journey further on your path, you start to remember the reason why you are seeing the 10:10 number pattern repeatedly. At your core, you soulfully know that you are fully supported at all times by the Divine Creator and angelic light messengers and protectors. When you see 10:10 repetitively, it is a reminder that you have a spiritual team working with you — you are truly never alone.

Importantly, you understand that you are co-creating your reality and you are supported by the whole Universe.  You start to take action by becoming the conscious scriptwriter of your own destiny. The message of 10:10 is to see a higher view of how life works and the role you play in this grand universe. Taking responsibility is when you create a life that you truly desire, rather than focusing your energy on the things that do not inspire.

Conclusion: What Should You Do When You Keep Seeing 1010?

As a whole, the significant meaning of 1010 is to remember that the Universe wants you to move forward.  As long as you are taking action, you are moving forward, regardless of mistakes.  You learn from mistakes and that is how your soul grows with strength.

American Nobel Peace Prize winner Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "If you can't fly, run.  if you can't run, walk.  If you can't walk, crawl.  No matter what, keep moving."

Whatever you give your energy to will grow, so keep this in mind the next time you see 10:10.  You are becoming your higher self, more conscious and aware of your thoughts. Ultimately, it is your beliefs and actions that create your reality.  The Universe fully supports you, so make your life awesome!

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: This website, WillowSoul.com, is copyrighted, and no part of this website may be copied, reproduced, recorded, or used in any manner. Copyright © by WILLOW SOUL

1111 angel number art and clothing designed to discreetly show others that they are not alone when seeing repetitive numbers.

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  • Patricia Lake on | Germantown, Maryland, United States

    Good morning, on this snowy day. I must give my testimony on this experience that has been occurring. I am very intuitive, and I know that I am guided by the Angels. I keep seeing 1010. Today, I saw 1010 once again before going on this site, and I was just told that I received a new apartment!

    I know that I am so blessed to be a part of this universe. To the soul angels, thank you for the guidance before every decision that is made. Namaste.

  • Edwin G. Mora on | New York City, New York, United States

    I was just browsing online and ran into this article, and I felt I had to give my story. I have to say I was blown away when I was reading the definitions of what 1010 can mean. The description fits me, and it fits conversations I’ve had with other people about how I feel at this moment. I am newly born again and free. I can start from scratch.

    I have a lot to say — a whole lot — but what I have to say is that 10:10 was always there in my life. I saw 10:10 on my cell phone or I saw it whenever I got on a train and looked at an advertisement (something in a background ad). One time, I even saw a movie and the number 1010 came up like the movie Matrix. I remember distinctively seeing 10/10 come up here and there fast — like it would sneak up quickly and constantly.

    My story begins in 2003. I was 22 years old living in New York. I was a college finance student raised by a good family (lower-middle class to upper-middle class) with good morals. I always had what I needed, and my mother and my stepfather were great parents. My real father was in Venezuela. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we lost contact with him, and my mother told me to always remember that my father was probably looking for me as well.

    Around this same time, I was arrested by Homeland Security ICE. Eventually, I was charged with the federal crime of conspiracy to import illicit substances. The drug courier traveling from my native country of Medellín, Colombia was stopped at JFK airport, and subsequently, he was arrested. He gave me up, but I gave nobody up. I was going to go to trial, but I was on bail for a year. I ran and planned it.

    A year into my run, I met this girl who had a 4-year-old daughter. For 10 years, I practically raised her daughter from 4 years old to about 13 or 14. We planned to have another kid, and eventually, we had a beautiful little girl. Unfortunately, I was caught in 2014 and was arrested, or I should say they caught up to me when my daughter was about to turn 4 months.

    I ended up serving 6 years. I was recently released a year ago in 2020, and that was lucky for me because the judge initially wanted to give me 14 years. At my sentencing, I gave a heartfelt speech, and the judge had sympathy for me and went under the guidelines.

    I found my real father when I was about to be released from prison. I found out that I also have three half brothers. Unfortunately, my father just passed away, and I didn’t get the chance to see him. I plan to travel to see my brothers and reunite with my aunts, uncles, and cousins in Columbia.

    My daughter is 7 now, and we have a great relationship. I’m not with her mother, but we get along, and we have a friendship. My mother and stepfather are still alive, but they are not together anymore.

    It’s sad that things are the way they are right now. I’m struggling, but I’m positive and I know that better things are on the horizon. I am planning for them, and I will be prepared for them. I will be successful. I’m sorry for any typos as I spoke into my phone to text this message.

    Thanks for stopping by to read my spill. Yes, it is a very true story, and my case is out of the Eastern District Court of New York (Brooklyn) — the same place where John Gotti and El Chapo, as well as many other known figures, were tried in the criminal world. I’m sad to say that I also passed through those courts, and I served my time at Brooklyn MDC where I was sentenced and served at a military base.

    Does anybody know a ghostwriter who I can contact to write my book or screenplay? LOL.

  • Daphney on | Houston, Texas, United States

    I woke up and saw 1010 on my phone. I read what it meant and it definitely applies to me, because I have been making a request from my Archangels. I have been moving forward, at least making plans to move forward. Thank you for the interpretation of 1010.

  • Cynthia Gallegos on | San Benito, Texas, United States

    Well, I’m just going through a rough time and I saw 1010 on my phone. I googled “What does it mean when I see 1010.” After reading this, I’m finally realizing that things will change. God is good. I will trust in God. I’m down at the moment, but God will show my passage.

  • Peggy Tafadzwa on | Lilongwe, Lilongwe District, Malawi

    I started dating my current boyfriend on 10.10.2020, and it’s an amazing relationship and the best I have had so far. I was searching if there is a special meaning to that date, and I came across this site and I just love everything that has been written here. It’s a sign that this is a long-lasting relationship for me, and he is here to stay. Thanks.

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