13 Signs An Angel Is With You – What It Means For You


13 Signs An Angel Is With You – What It Means For You

Did you receive a sign from an angel, or did you feel touched by an angel? Trust it is a blessing to receive an angel sign in your time of need or in response to your prayer. To give you clarity in your life journey, you were guided here to uncover the meaning of these angel signs and to understand how they are helping you on your path at this time.

Many people around the world are seeing angel signs, especially during crucial moments of their lives. This is something that may have happened to you too, but do you know the reasons why you are seeing angel signs?

Divine signs can appear before, during, or after significant events in your life, especially when a loved one has passed away. A deceased loved one can become your spirit guide, and along with angels, they can gift you with signs to bring hope and comfort when you feel alone and disconnected, or when you need encouragement. For this reason, know that when you see a divine sign, you are being helped and assisted by spiritual beings, like spirit guides and angels, from higher realms.

These high vibrational beings are always by your side and are here to help you fulfill your life mission on earth. Although we may not see them, they communicate with us all the time through signs and symbols. All we have to do is pay attention to these angel signs and understand the meaning of their angelic messages.

They guide you safely on your path by sending you clues. Specifically, they do this by communicating through signs and symbols like repeating numbers, feathers, coins, rainbows, clouds, tingling sensations, smells, orbs of light, epiphanies, animals, plants, ringing in the ears, song lyrics, and dreams. All you have to do is pay attention to these signs and understand the meaning of their angelic messages.

In this article, the focus will be on angels. Unlike spirit guides, angels never lived a human life. Angels are beautiful celestial beings that are specifically created by God to give you as gifts. They are messengers sent to you by the Divine Creator to help you in all aspects of your life. Keep in mind that there are many different signs from angels, and it is important to access your intuition and find out what the divine signs mean to you. Remember, your soul power is wisdom.

To help guide you, here is a list of angel signs and their spiritual meanings, and the reasons why you keep seeing them everywhere.

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13 Signs An Angel Is With You

Angels communicate in very different ways, in most cases, through signs and symbols. Whenever you see these angel signs, the message is clear: your guardian angels are close by, aiding and assisting you. The sign is to give you the reassurance that you are exactly where you need to be as your life is unfolding perfectly according to the master plan of the Universe. Here is the list of the most common angel signs:

1st Angel Sign: Repetitive Numbers

Seeing repetitive number patterns like 11:11 and 444 are divine signs that an angel is trying to communicate with you. These repeating numbers are clear signs that easily capture your attention to help you slow down and think about making wiser choices that truly bring you deep peace, happiness, and a feeling of fulfillment in your life.

2nd Angel Sign: Feathers

Finding feathers, especially large ones, in places where they are not commonly found can be a sign that your angel is giving you encouragement to keep going on your path because you are certainly headed where your soul is urging you to be. Just remember to pace yourself one day at a time, and trust your soul as your guide.

3rd Angel Sign: Pennies and Other Coins

Finding pennies, dimes, or other shiny coins in unexpected places can be an angel’s way of telling you that you have divine support in building an abundant life that is truly meaningful to you. Along with the Great Creator, angels are working behind the scenes to coordinate everything around you so you can continue creating the life that you truly desire. And deep down, you have a complete understanding that everything is working out in perfect time for you.

The message is to stay positive with your dreams by transforming your ideas into the physical life that you are living. Simply put, every coin you find is a sign to make an investment in your life by taking action in the direction of your truest desires.

4th Angel Sign: Rainbows

Seeing rainbows without the presence of rain can be a clear angel sign that everything will work out fine. Remember to keep your thoughts positive and the Universe will work itself out to help everyone involved in a certain situation.

In the end, you remember that your individual success contributes to mankind's overall success. With this knowledge, you understand that life is constantly changing and progressing with new ideas and developments, and every person living in this moment is learning, evolving, and moving together to a much better world for all.

5th Angel Sign: Cloud Shapes

Seeing cloud shapes of an angel, face, flower, heart, or other symbols in the sky can be signs from your angel to remind you that you are never alone in your journey, because the Divine Creator is always with you. You remember that you are a child of the Creator. And as a child, when you ask for help, it is given.

Whether you are asking for help in your spiritual life or you need clarity in any part of your physical life, your prayer connects you to God. Through prayer, you are expressing your compassion, and God hears you. From a higher view, you trust that God knows what to do.

6th Angel Sign: Chills or Feelings of Being Touched

Experiencing an angel's touch or feeling a tingling sensation down your spine or other parts of your body can be a sign indicating truth, especially when you see, read, or hear something that resonates with your soul. It can be your angel's way of letting you know that you are in the presence of spiritual truth.

One spiritual truth that you start to remember is that you were created from the spiritual DNA of the Creator, and thus, you are containing a part of the Creator within you. With this reminder, you understand that you are never separate and alone, and your guardian angel is here to help guide you on your path in discovering more of who you truly are and your place in this amazing world that you have chosen to live in. Remember always, you are a piece of the Universe, and together as one, we are collectively the whole Universe.

7th Angel Sign: Smells or Scents

Smelling pleasant aromas, especially from plants or flowers, that randomly come out of nowhere, can be a sign that one of God's army of angels is giving you peace and comfort while you are going through a time of soul growth.

Keep in mind, certain smells can also trigger a specific memory of a certain person or significant event in your life that serves as a special moment in your own healing journey. The healing journey is about remembering how you felt at the beginning of the journey and becoming proud of your progress along the way.

8th Angel Sign: Colored Spirals, Auras, Orbs, or Sparkles of Light

Seeing giant spirals, auras, orbs, flashes of light, or sparkles of colored light can be a sign that you are surrounded by angels, and they can take the energetic form of "light" to comfort you. Although orbs and various lights can also represent other spirits, the general view is that you are being gifted to clearly see and understand things that you were not able to see and understand before. You are becoming more aware of your human experience on earth, and you are ascending to a higher vibrational level of existence where you see "magic" unfold in your life journey.

In matters of the heart, if you are seeing green orbs or sparkles, that source of light can be a sign of harmony and restoration from Archangel Raphael who is the angel of healing. Always have faith that you are protected and safe. Just trust that your guardian angel is always with you, and it is always working with other angels and spirits to guide you with signs that are comforting to you.

9th Angel Sign: Epiphany or Sudden Revelation

Having an epiphany or sudden brilliant idea comes from the spiritual force of the Divine Creator when you are in the flow of creating and when you are open to receiving answers. Because angels are God's messengers, they can also help deliver these epiphanies or ideas to you in various creative and divine ways to help you with a solution. In the end, you simply have this "sense of knowing" of what you are meant to do next, and you feel confident in the direction of your conscious choices as you build your life and move it forward with mankind and the evolving world

10th Angel Sign: Ringing in the Ears

Hearing a random high-pitch ringing sound in one or both of your ears for a brief moment is a way for celestial beings to communicate with you. It can be a sign that important coded information is being sent to you, and oftentimes, this information is a divine message that you can use later to help you with a life situation. Importantly, when you hear the ringing, use your intuition to sense what kind of message is being presented to you and trust that more information will be revealed at the right time, just for you.

11th Angel Sign: Hearing Music or Songs

Hearing music or songs play unexpectedly can be a sign from your angel sending information to you in order to help you with a solution or give you a message about a certain person or situation. For this reason, it is important for you to pay attention to the words or lyrics of the music that you hear so you can understand the message being presented. By way of example, song lyrics that randomly appear in your daily routine can provide clues to guide you in making the right decisions for you about a certain issue. In the end, it is best to be aware of your present moment so you can consciously recognize all the clues and signs that angels send to you.

12th Angel Sign: Birds, Butterflies, Dragonflies, and Other Animals

Seeing a hummingbird, butterfly, dragonfly, or another animal that crosses your path unexpectedly can be an angel sign. Each wildlife creature has a powerful message (or lesson) for you in your life journey

For instance, a hummingbird is always searching for sweet nectar deep within flowers, and flowers love the hummingbird because it draws out the nectar from the flower it pollinates. For this reason, the hummingbird is associated with the healing properties of flowers. With this in mind, if you have been thinking about changing careers and a hummingbird suddenly shows up in your life, the overall spiritual message for you is to explore a healing career with flowers and herbs. The hummingbird teaches you to detect and use certain plants for medicinal uses.

So remember this, whatever animal shows up in your life, you are to explore the hidden message of the animal's symbolism to help guide you on your path.

13th Angel Sign: Seeing Angels or Other Divine Signs in a Dream

Remembering that you saw a celestial being, silhouette, or other divine shape or sign in your dream is a true blessing. It is a strong spiritual message to provide you comfort and peace when you are in need of strength during times of distress, or if you are about to transition from this life to the next.

Overall, the key thing to remember is that angels are around you all the time, and they make their presence felt whenever you need them the most for support and guidance.

10 Reasons Why Angels Are Sending You Signs

1st Reason: You Are Spiritually Awakening

One clear reason why you are seeing angel signs is that you are awakening and becoming more conscious of yourself and your journey. When this happens, you radiate a peaceful energy, and you are able to tune in to higher spiritual beings for information that will help you on your path. For this reason, your guardian angel wants to tell you that this is a significant time to become your true self and be honest with what you want to leave behind as your legacy on earth.

2nd Reason: You Have Complete Divine Support

The reason for seeing angel signs is that you asked for guidance, and your angel is sending a sign of divine support. The angel message is that you are always assisted throughout your journey. When you ask for help, have faith that what you need will come in unexpected ways.

3rd Reason: Your Journey Is Unfolding Perfectly

When you are in disbelief about your life path or question whether you have made the right decision, seeing angel signs is a clear indicator that you need to trust how your life unfolds. The angel signs serve as reminders of encouragement for you to persevere and push yourself to become the best version you can be.

4th Reason: You Are Part Of Something Greater

Another reason why you are seeing angel signs is that you have a false belief that you are completely alone and helpless. Your angel wants to tell you that you are not separate. In truth, you are a part of the Universe and collectively, we all make up the whole Universe. As a thread, you intertwine with other threads, and in the big picture, everyone works together and form life's tapestry. For this reason, everybody is connected as One.

5th Reason: You Are Being Watched Over And Protected

Your guardian angel is here to help and protect you. You will experience their sign as a flash of inspiration or a sudden vision whenever you need help in a situation. The information will come to you naturally at the right time when you need it most.

6th Reason: You Are Beginning To Remember Who You Truly Are

Seeing angel signs is a clear indicator that you need to remember the divine nature of your being. You have always carried the spark of the Creator's flame within your heart and now it is time to turn that spark into a flame. So when you receive an angel sign, it is time to become the light instead of searching for it. Always remember: You are the light.

7th Reason: You Are Ready For Healing

Your guardian angel is always sending signs to help guide you on your journey. You will know when it is time to change paths when you feel disconnected in life. So whenever you need help, you will see angel signs that point to a new direction. Keep in mind, your old wounds often need to heal before you take another path. In this sense, trust yourself a little bit more and know that your experiences on earth were planned to help you learn and grow into your higher self. Remember this: Everything is happening for you and not against you!

8th Reason: You Are In Sync With Your Soul

Synchronicity is a clear sign that you are in the right place at the right time, and angels are sending signs to capture your attention at that particular moment. When you see repetitive angel number signs, know that it is not a coincidence. Seeing 11:11, 3:33, 4:44, or other repeating numbers is an indicator that you are in tune with your soul, and the number signs serve as guideposts to help you make decisions along your journey. So, pay attention to the numbers that appear on your path, and remember to ask the Divine whenever you need clarity.

9th Reason: Your Angel Is Always With You

When you are not living in the present moment, it is not easy to consciously tune in to your guardian angel's messages. But when you are living in "the now" and being aware of everything around you in that exact moment, it will be easier for you to notice the clues and signs and hear the angelic messages. For this reason, when you receive a divine sign, trust that your angel is with you and trying to get your attention.

10th Reason: You Are Love

Whenever you are sensing your guardian angel's presence around you, trust that your angel is delivering a message of divine protection and unconditional love. The angel signs you see are to help you remember that your soul was born from the Creator, the Greatest Giver of love. Because you came from the Creator, your soul is an expression of the Love that is you.

How To Get More Clarity From The Divine?

Every time you receive an angelic or divine sign, you intuitively know it is a gift that provides insight for your next step in life. Naturally, the meaning of the sign is what you desire to find, and you know to get clarity by connecting directly to the Divine.

By aligning your mind with the mind of the Divine, you open the gate for communication through prayer and meditation. In prayer, you spiritually transmit the energy of your thoughts and words to the Divine. And in meditation, the Divine sees the true you and sends healing energy, in the form of images and sensations, back to you. In essence, praying is sending messages to the Divine, and meditating is receiving responses from the Divine.

For pureness, you can develop a clearer connection to the Divine when you use forgiveness to make peace with yourself and everyone else. Distressed feelings, such as guilt and bitterness, block your soul power to live in peace, but forgiveness is your soul power that sets you free.

Whether a past behavior caused disgrace or you were hurt by another person’s mistakes, your forgiveness can purify your past and establish a crystal clear connection to God on your healing path. This way, when you reveal the “peaceful you,” you naturally radiate peace to others near you.

Remember, in the big picture, God is the Chief Healer.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: This website, WillowSoul.com, is copyrighted, and no part of this website may be copied, reproduced, recorded, or used in any manner. Copyright © by WILLOW SOUL

1111 angel number art and clothing designed to discreetly show others that they are not alone when seeing repetitive numbers.

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  • Jessica M. on | Brea, California, United States

    Hi, my name is Jessica.

    I’m writing this in the hopes that someone can help me with what I’m currently going through and maybe explain why this is happening to me. All of a sudden, this started happening to me when my mom passed away a little over 2 years ago.

    About 6 months after she passed away on her birthday, I posted a memorial on Facebook honoring her. Long story short, I was sitting in my backyard holding my disabled min pin, and as I looked up in the sky, I started seeing angel wings and large white orbs flying everywhere. I was in shock. I told my husband to come and look, but he said, “I don’t see anything.”

    I was mesmerized, and I couldn’t believe what I saw. I told my adult son and couldn’t stop talking about it to my family. As time passed, I started seeing all kinds of things every day, like large angels as big as street signs that would illuminate a whitish color in the sky.

    Even when I walk my dogs, I would look up in the sky and they would always be there. Sometimes, my hands would buzz when I would see them. As time passed, I have become stressed, because the visions do not stop. I was afraid a lot and just overwhelmed, crying, and saying, “What is happening to me?” I couldn’t sleep well, and I was always on edge.

    I have also seen white orbs in my house and have had feelings of being touched a lot. I also have little orbs bouncing in front of my face, and when they bounce and glimmer in front of me, they shoot up to the sky and they take the form of angels.

    When I tell my husband and son what is going on, they just don’t know what to say. I wanted to make sure that I was physically ok, so I went to the doctor and had an MRI to the brain and had my eyes checked. All the tests came out fine.

    I know everything I see is real. I even went to Best Buy and bought an Arlo infrared camera in hopes I would catch something on video. I placed the camera in the living room and bedroom. The next morning, I played back the video, and I captured several white orbs flying through both rooms. Before this ever happened to me, I never knew what an orb was. My husband and son are sort of machismo, and they were kind of in shock but not very supportive.

    To this day, I see flying angels and figures whenever I look up to the sky. It’s been 2 years and this is all still going on. I’m skeptical in regards to Mediums because I was raised Catholic. I didn’t know who to turn to, but I did see one lady who wasn’t very accurate with her reading (though, she did say she felt I was born like this, and I have always had this gift). Can anyone please let me know what they think all of this is? Is it a gift?

    God bless and thank you,

  • Linda on | North Bend, Ohio, United States

    In Oct. 2018, my son, Joe, died suddenly at age 33. When he passed away, I was so overcome with depression and grief. I didn’t think I would be able to go on. I prayed every day for a sign to let me know he was OK.

    On Jan. 7, 2019, at 3 am, I remembered a dream. I saw a beautiful blue and gold almost-like-fog and a silhouette of a man. He spoke to me very softly and said, “Do not worry. Your son is with me.” I truly believe it was Jesus Christ.

    I sat up in bed, just shaking. I couldn’t believe what I had just experienced. There is no word that exists in the human language that can describe the pain of the loss of your child, but I believe this blessing was given to me to help soften the pain.

    Two days before my son passed away, he purchased a very expensive phone. Unfortunately, I could not access the phone, because I did not know his email or password. Several people tried to help me but no success. I eventually went to Walmart where the phone was purchased and met a very nice young lady. She took me in the backroom and began using a computer and was able to give me the paperwork I needed to access the phone. I began to cry.

    After 8 months of sadness, I finally felt happiness. She walked me to the front of the store and hugged me, and I felt a great calming come over me. She then pointed to her name tag. Her name was Angel. I truly believe she was an angel and was sent to help me during this difficult time.

    Since then, other little signs have been sent to me. I think people need to understand patience. You will receive what you need when God decides it is time, not when you want it.

    Recently, I was driving a school bus, and I was sitting at a traffic light. I have very long blonde hair and noticed one strand on my jacket. I pulled the hair strand from my jacket and placed it outside my window. The long blonde hair began to gently float and started to stick to the driver’s window. Then slowly, the strand of hair began to form the shape of a heart. I believe with all my heart that I am being sent these blessings.

  • Zulema Montes on | Mount Olive, North Carolina, United States

    My husband and I were traveling to Jacksonville, North Carolina, and an angel suddenly appeared in the sky. It was a very good feeling, and I couldn’t believe what I saw. I told my husband about it, and we just stayed quiet. But at night, I had a very good feeling. I don’t know why. I just did.

  • Sharon on | Jonesboro, Georgia, United States

    I started putting up my Christmas lights on Oct. 31, and my Jesus display is my main focus. My feelings were hurt when a young lady stated that it was too soon for Christmas decorations as she was facing my baby Jesus display. I wanted to tell her that it’s never too soon for Jesus, but I heard her mother say it before I said it.

    Without any intention, I now see signs of angels. I realize the theme of my lights inside of my home is angels. I also bought small angels to give as Christmas gifts for my son’s teachers. And lastly, the greatest angel sign of them all is what I saw at the top of my neighbor’s tree (that stands two stories high) across the street from me.

    On one night, I turned my Christmas lights off and only kept my lights on for Baby Jesus, Mother Mary, and Daddy Joseph. I sat down and looked up at my neighbor’s lighted tree that I had coined “Avatar.” Strangely this time, I noticed a figure of an Angel looking down on Jesus. I took several pictures to prove it.

    Now, my lights will not turn on because of the rain, but my neighbor’s tree lights are working and the Angel is still there. The Angel’s head and shoulders lead to wings and then the body leads down to legs.

    Two days later after seeing this, the hay that Baby Jesus is resting on has the most beautiful green grass around it. This never happened before. JESUS!

  • Zoey on | Ventura, California, United States


    I searched on the web “Why I saw an angel in the sky?” and I was surprised to discover that there are songs about it, and then I came to this web page. This article assured me that I am not the only one who is on this journey. How I wish we all could get together here.

    Anyway, here’s my story: Yesterday, I was taking a nap, and then I saw angels, but I am not sure if I was really awake or still asleep or maybe half asleep. I remembered that I looked at the sky and it was so bright. In the brightness, I saw a manly figure holding an orb radiating a very bright light. There was a moment that I saw a book instead of an orb being held by the manly figure. The manly figure was also radiating shiny bright light all around him. Then, I saw a choir of angels surround him. Later, the angels all appeared smaller in size as they multiplied and increased in numbers. I remembered I asked if Jesus is already coming.

    The whole moment of the heavenly encounter lasted for about 2-3 minutes. Then, the sky turned empty, but within seconds after everything was cleared, clouds appeared again (very thick clouds). For some reason, I waved at the clouds, and I said, “I see you guys from here. Thank you for letting me see you from here." That was my experience yesterday.

    After telling my story, I now believe the manly figure was Jesus appearing in front of me. I always prayed for His coming because it hurts me so much that I am alone. In my prayers, I’ve asked why He let my mom die, why He let my husband abandon me, why the only teacher I knew who truly believed in me had to die, and why my pastor friend had to die. I feel so alone.

    I always pray that Jesus will come back and prepare the way for His coming. Maybe the vision I had of Jesus and the angels is an answer or sign that He is already on the way.

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